Wednesday 30 November 2011

Welcome from Hannah

Hi Everyone!

My name is Hannah and I took over from Nathalie on Monday. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them as well as possible. I hope to meet many of you on our trips and events we are organising in and around Sydney. 

My first week in Sydney was a bit strange. I thought I would arrive and it would be HOT summer. Lucky me, it was raining. Still I managed to get sun burnt somehow. Since then I don’t leave the house without sun creme. 

The first thing I noticed about Sydney was that there's so many parks. I had enough picnics to lose count. The Royal Botanic Garden impressed me the most. Everything is blooming and beautiful.

The Royal Botanic Garden

Hundreds of bats sleep in the trees there during the day which is a great spectacle. They fly off to the suburbs at night.

Aside from the beauty of the park, it is also the location of the Government House which is a great place to go to learn about Australia’s history. Entry is free.

This weekend a friend of mine and I went to Darling Harbour for the Santa Water Spectacle. There was a Santa Clause on water-skis, on jet skis and boats. A great event ending with the lighting of the Christmas tree and an amazing firework display. I am sorry I couldn’t take any nice pictures. My camera isn’t that good.

The next day we went hiking in Bundeena Royal National Park which is an hour south of the City. A trip I can highly recommend. We took the train to Cronulla ($8.20 return) then from Cronulla we caught a little ferry to Bundeena ($11.60 return) and started our bushwalk until our mud forced us to turn around.

Muddy Track
The Jibbon Head Trail took us along the coast as well as through the bush.

The view from the cliffs was amazing and we saw a few crazy surfers.

We have arranged the next month's calendar of activities which can be viewed in this week's newsletter
I will also post information about this on the blog in the coming days, so make sure you check back soon.

Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Really Royal Botanic Garden is awesome to visit and every one should take sun's cream if they are going for a tour.
    Surf Tour
