Thursday 27 September 2012

Internship Process

Just a few days ago I arrived in Sydney, finally! 
I'm really happy with my internship position, I'm sure it's going to be a great time here. 
If you're planning to do an internship as well, you might think it's really difficult to organise everything. It actually isn't that hard! These are the steps I took to get my internship position: 
  • I googled around a bit and found a German agency that I contacted , which is linked to Sydney Internships
  • I chose the field I wanted to complete my internship in and the start and finish date
  • both the German agency and Sydney Internships stayed in contact with me and helped me through all the steps that needed to be taken
  • I had  a phone/Skype interview with the host company, where we spoke about my future tasks, my hours and expectations - and I got the internship position :)
  • Now I needed to book a flight and my accomodation in Sydney. Once again, my German agency and Sydney Internships assisted me
  • All booked, all arranged - and I was ready to go!
  • When I arrived in Sydney, I was brought to my accomodation by a driver who Sydney Internships had arranged for me
  • I moved into my new home and already met some nice people who helped me not to get lost in Sydney!
  • On the first day of my internship, I visited the Sydney Internships office to pick up my Welcome Package and an Australian phone card; they also took time to answer any of my questions.
    So you see, it really isn't such a big deal, everybody is friendly and will help you.For sure you'll get a lifetime experience out of it!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Internship Interview Tips

Almost all of us will be interviewed for a position at some stage and this can seem very scary and nerve racking.
An interview for an internship is quite different to an interview for a regular job as it is all about your expectations. The company would like to know what you want to achieve from the internship and what your requirements are.

Here are some tips for you to have a successful interview for an internship;

1. Read through the company's website and any articles or material you can find.
2. Explain what you are looking to gain from the internship.
3. Ask what type of experience and training they are able to offer.
4. Explain why you think your learning objectives can be achieved at the company.

5.Speak clearly and be confident. 
6. The company will have viewed your CV & Cover letter before the interview so would be aware that English may not be your first language.
7. Call or skype at the arranged time. Not earlier and not later.
8. Call from a quiet room with no distractions.
9. Prepare some questions for the company about their history, operations or processes.
10. Write them an email afterwards to thank them for the opportunity.