Wednesday 2 November 2011

Halloween and a horse race

Well, unfortunately I was sick last week so there won't be as much to talk about in this blog... but even though I was feeling bad I forced myself out of bed so that I didn't miss too much.

Sadly I also went to some farewell parties last week. I said goodbye to some really good friends of mine but it was also very good to see them again and wish them all the best. I never thought that I could make such good friends in a relatively short period of time. I will definitely miss them.

Saying goodbye to good friends is something you need to deal when living abroad but on the other side it's fantastic to welcome new friends. There are always people coming and going.

After resting in bed with tea, lemon & honey the entire Saturday (because of my cold), I forced myself out of bed in the evening. I met some friends and we had a couple of drinks (or as for me Aspirin) at their place. We played Halloween games, which I had no idea existed... For example, there was a pot of water with apples in it and you needed to get them out of the with your mouth. It was very funny! Not sure why it related to Halloween but it was good fun anyway.
After the games we dressed up for Halloween and went out to Kings Cross. Everybody wore fancy clothes which reminded me of carnival in Germany. It was a fun & fancy night!
Kings Cross
Sunday morning I was feeling much better...I went to the lovely Queen Street for lunch with some friends and after that to the beach. I lounged there for the rest of the day watching Bondi Beach life. What else could make you feel better if not that!!
Afternoon at Bondi Beach
Yesterday was the Horse Race that stops a nation. Such a crazy day for Australians! The important race was at 3pm and I felt as if the work life in  Sydney stopped for about half an hour to watch the race, and of course, to place the last bets...I also went to a pub with my colleagues to watch the race and to bet. Unfortunately I didn't win anything but it was fun anyway. In the evening you could see all of the women wearing the beautiful hats or just a feather decoration and they also dressed up which was very interesting to watch. 

I have seen that some of you have signed in for the Surf Weekend on 11th November. I'm so so so excited for that weekend and look forward to seeing you guys there!!

Until then.....

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